Congratulations to the 2022 Work Health and Safety Excellence Showcase Champions
Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy Pty Ltd had the privilege to deliver Silica Awareness Training to Core Project Group Pty Ltd,
this training provided clear and concise outcomes to ensure their teams can minimise the associated risks when working with silica products
in the construction industry. Congratulations to the Core Project Group as WHS Safety Champions. Read more from the below link.
Silica Awareness Training is a 3 hour course where the purpose of the training is to ensure workers understand where Silica might be
found and what steps to take to stay safe. The course can be requested for your site or our training facility. The cost is $199 per person or group rate discounts.
The course will provide information on:
• Identification, safe handling and appropriate control measures.
• Silica containing materials.
• Naturally occurring Silica.
• What is Silica and where do you find it
• Identification, safe handling and appropriate control measures.
• Silica containing materials.
• Naturally occurring Silica.
• Silica Exposure & the Impact on your Health
• Work Method Statements
• Confirm Job Requirements and Make Preparations
• Identify Hazard
• Risk Management
• Hazard Controls
• Material and Equipment for Silica
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE)
Newcastle Rescue provides extensive training and consulting services supporting the construction industry and more. Please feel free to contact us on 1300 3565 686 or enquiries@newcastlerescue.com.au to discuss your training or consulting requirements.
The Work Health and Safety Excellence Showcase highlights the innovative solutions developed by NSW businesses, unions and industry associations to support the safety of their employees and members.
Follow in the foot steps of the Core Project Group safety champions. Download the Easy to do work health and safety toolkit today.
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Asbestos company fined $150k after fatal veranda fall
SafeWork SA Acting Executive Director Glenn Farrell said falls from heights, particularly below 3 metres, were among the most common causes of workplace injuries and deaths, all of which are preventable.
‘The lack of consideration and suitable controls to adequately prevent this tragedy is not acceptable,’ Mr Farrell said.
Highlighting the importance of safe systems for working at heights.
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Silicosis alert: Cases of deadly lung disease in Australian tradies
Young Australian tradies and workers are facing a health crisis as new findings reveal the extent of the public health threat silicosis poses to lungs.
The Australian Workers’ Union, the Australian Council of Trade Unions and the CFMEU launched the “Stop this Killer Stone” campaign on Monday, urging regulatory bodies to take immediate action to stop rising cases of silicosis, a lung disease caused by inhaling crystalline silica dust.
The condition is incurable and can cause lung inflammation and fibrosis.
“(We know) silica exposure is all but certain to be occurring at dangerous levels. Our members are working in environments so dusty they can’t see more than 50 metres in front of them. They’re getting covered from head to toe in dust and they walk out with that dust on them which continues to spread,” Walton said.
Read MoreCrystalline silica presents a serious risk to health
For your Silica Awareness Training from Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy Pty Ltd on your site or ours please call 1300 356 686 or Email Us
Silica dust is harmful when inhaled into your lungs. As it is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand, you can be breathing it in without knowing.
Construction materials such as sandstone, concrete and bricks can contain up to 90% silica dust. When drilling on these materials, you can generate and breathe in fine crystalline silica dust, which can cause serious illnesses such as silicosis and lung cancer.
Learn about planning your job and using the correct safety controls to help protect workers and others from silica dust on site – working safely around it could save your life.
Approximately 587,000 Australian workers were exposed to silica dust in the workplace in 2011. It has been estimated that 5758 of these will develop a lung cancer over the course of their life as a result of that exposure.
Click here to understand the dangers of inhaling silica dust: Kevin’s story
The occupations with the greatest exposure include:
- miners
- construction workers
- farmers
- engineers.
You may be exposed to silica dust if your work involves:
- breaking, crushing, grinding or milling material containing silica dust
- sand blasting or casting
- paving, surfacing or cement finishing
- bricklaying
- demolition work
- road construction
- stonemasonery
- mineral ore-treating processes
- manufacture of glass, ceramics, brick, concrete, tile, metals or machinery
Click here to Safework to find out how to protect yourself and workers
Read MoreAsbestos Training for Tradies
For your Asbestos Training from Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy Pty Ltd please call 1300 356 686 or Contact Us
Learn how to identify risks and hazards, how to properly set up a removal area, what personal protective equipment is required, safe handling and decontamination. Asbestos lurks in more places than you think – working safely around it could save your life.
Watch all the asbestos videos on the SafeWork NSW YouTube asbestos playlist.
The first of five videos in a series, showing tradies how to manage asbestos safely on the job. This video covers the hazards and risks associated with asbestos and includes images of many asbestos containing materials.
The second of five videos in a series showing tradies how to manage asbestos safely on the job. This video demonstrates how to set up an asbestos work area if you need to work with or remove less than 10sqm of non-friable asbestos.
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Government Team Tower Rescue Refresher Training
Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy work with many of our valued government clients to deliver a training ranging from White Card to Fire Warden to Asbestos courses but recent travels up the North Coast led to a local government client site to deliver Tower Rescue Refresher training.
Units completed included:
- PUASAR022 Participate in a rescue operation
- PUAEME001 Provide emergency care
Our trainers with a background in emergency service and military have familiarity with Government requirements and on the client site deliver real world scenarios with the latest equipment.
The business relationship with our government clients allows for discussions prior to the training to establish topics to be included or if contextualisation may be required.
Topics covered in this recent training included:
- WH&S Legislation
- Falls from Height Regulations – AS4488 and AS1981.4
- Software Theory – harness, ropes etc
- Hardware Theory
- Life Rescue Knot and Hitches
- Anchor Points/Anchor Systems
- Suspension Trauma
- Rappelling Skills
- Rescue Team Ethos and Ideals
- Lowering and Raising Systems
- Patient Handling
- ‘Pick Off’ Rescues
- Safety Officer and Team leader roles and responsibilities
Photos of the Tower Rescue Refresher Training
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Emergency Response Challenge 2019
Papua New Guinea Extractive Industries Emergency Response Challenge 30th Sept- 3rd Oct 2019
11 teams were put through their paces at Sir John Guise stadium in Port Moresby. The challenge activities included a theory exam, fire rescue, rope rescue, endurance, multi casualty, road crash rescue and confined space search and rescue.
Newcastle Rescue had great pleasure in providing training and adjudication for the challenge.
Well done to all teams involved.

Emergency Response Team Training
Newcastle Rescue were asked to adjudicate the Emergency Response team in Laos.
One of the scenarios was a (MVA) motor vehicle accident which included a 56 seat bus which had overturned on the way to site.
The Call had gone out to security indicating that a serious accident had occurred 36km from the site carrying multiple persons.
The Emergency Services were activated and responded quickly to the incident scene.
Unknown to the team, they were directed to a simulated training area where they found both fatalities as well as victims with serious and life-threatening injuries.
Newcastle Rescue’s Managing Director John Owen said the team reacted very well considering the amount of personnel that were on the bus as well as the remote terrain the crew were dealt with.
These kinds of scenarios are vital for all teams who work in Emergency Response especially remote areas of the world, not only does it prove how often Emergency teams should rehearse their training but also evaluates what standard the response team is at.
This is where adjudicators can pass on their experience and make a difference to the operators.
Photos of the Emergency Response Team Training
Read MoreSebastien Perret Founder of the Vientiane Rescue – Laos
An inspirational talk by Sebastien Perret the founder of the Vientiane Rescue in Laos with whom Newcastle Rescue had the pleasure of meeting.
Please take the time to watch, it restores your faith in humanity.

Sebastien with Vientiane Crew Member
Newcastle Rescue’s Journey to Laos
Newcastle Rescue have continued expanding our presence overseas during the month of August by sending a team of SME’s over to Laos in SE Asia. We were to provide servicing for all Emergency Service equipment both for a client as well as having the extreme privilege and opportunity to meet the highly respected Vientiane Rescue.
Whilst our team were travelling to various locations around the country, it was evident how effected the country was from the flooding, the Mekong river was at an all-time high, villages had been cut off and landslides were causing havoc on the roads.
NRC covered nearly 3000 km over the space of 2 weeks attending different sites to service all kinds of specialist equipment such as:
- RCR (Road Crash Rescue) Equipment
- Breathing Apparatus
- Rope Rescue Equipment
- Confined Space Equipment
- Firefighting Appliances
- Gas Detection Equipment
- Harnesses
Sebastian (pictured below LHS with an NRC team member) is the founder of the rescue service. He has built up a team of volunteers who dedicate their time working a roster of 28 days on and 28 days off to help and protect Laos citizens when in need of emergency care.
They attend medical emergencies, births, road crash rescues, flooding and evacuation. Our NRC team were totally thrown off guard by the number of emergencies Vientiane Rescue attended and the care and compassion given to people who were in need.
Every piece of equipment Vientiane Rescue hold has been the direct result of a donation.
Members of the Vientiane Rescue live in 40 ft containers, some of which have no air conditioning with temperatures reaching over 100 degrees.
The commitment from these volunteers is incredibly heroic and generous asking for only donations so they can continue to fund the invaluable service they provide. NRC farewelled the Vientiane Rescue volunteers they met with nothing but the utmost respect for each one of them.
If you would like to donate any equipment to the Vientiane Rescue please contact us on 1300 356 686. For any financial donations visit the Vientiane website Vientiane Rescue Donations.
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