This unit of competency, CPCSIL4001 – Supervise and manage work with products and materials generating respirable crystalline silica
specifies the skills and knowledge required to supervise and manage those
working with products and materials that generate respirable crystalline silica (RCS). The unit
includes planning for and supervising the use of compliant plant, tools and equipment to work with
products and materials containing crystalline silica (CS).The unit also includes briefing workers on
compliant work requirements and establishing appropriate risk control measures, so far as
reasonably practical, for potential exposure to RCS. The unit also covers work practices as part of
continuous improvement processes for work health and safety (WHS) when working with products
and materials containing CS.
The unit is suitable for persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), employers, supervisors
and managers responsible for ensuring the health and safety of employees, contractors and subcontractors
and suppliers when working with products and materials containing CS.
The worksite may be a factory or workshop setting, commercial and residential settings, and/or
construction sites, including demolition sites.
Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements may apply to this unit. Relevant WHS
state and territory regulatory authorities should be consulted to confirm jurisdictional requirements.
If there are no upcoming scheduled courses for Silica exposure prevention training , please contact us to find out if we can arrange a custom course for you.
See Course Calendar All Courses
More information from about Crystalline silica at Safework
The course will provide information on:
•Plan and prepare for work.
• Conduct workplace briefings and consultations.
• Implement safety requirements.
• Manage worksite operations.
• Oversee compliant clean-up, maintenance and storage
• Review workplace operations.
Unit of Competency
CPCSIL4001 – Supervise and manage work with products and materials generating respirable
crystalline silica
Duration of Course
1 Day
Course Delivery
Training is delivered Face to Face. All training handouts supplied.
PPE Required
Participants are to wear comfortable clothing and closed in shoes.
On successful completion of the Silica exposure training course, participants will be issued with a Certificate of Attainment.
Recognition of Prior Learning
All participants are offered the opportunity to apply for RPL. Please refer to the Student Handbook (located in resources) or phone 1300 356 686 for the procedure of how to apply.
From 1st January 2015, it is a requirement when enrolling in a Nationally Recognised training course to have a Unique Student Identifier Number (USI). Certifications cannot be issued until the USI number has been provided and verified.