Safe Work Australia has released a 10-year national strategy designed to reduce workplace fatalities, injuries and illnesses
The need for an ongoing dedication and commitment from all stakeholders — governments, persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs), workers, industry, unions and WHS practitioners — to continue to ensure that workers return home safely remains critically important.
Serious injury and illness across Australian workplaces directly impacts workers and their families.
Australia has further to go in improving WHS outcomes and ensuring the WHS system is ready to address emerging challenges over the next ten years.
Safe Work Australia suggests that reducing hazardous incidents can contribute to significant economic growth — some tens of billions of dollars each year, and that to make further gains, it is essential that WHS is core to how Australian workplaces do business.
WHS conversations need to be commonplace in every workplace across the country, with education, innovation, and collaboration critical enablers of safety success.