Congratulations to the 2022 Work Health and Safety Excellence Showcase Champions
Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy Pty Ltd had the privilege to deliver Silica Awareness Training to Core Project Group Pty Ltd,
this training provided clear and concise outcomes to ensure their teams can minimise the associated risks when working with silica products
in the construction industry. Congratulations to the Core Project Group as WHS Safety Champions. Read more from the below link.
Silica Awareness Training is a 3 hour course where the purpose of the training is to ensure workers understand where Silica might be
found and what steps to take to stay safe. The course can be requested for your site or our training facility. The cost is $199 per person or group rate discounts.
The course will provide information on:
• Identification, safe handling and appropriate control measures.
• Silica containing materials.
• Naturally occurring Silica.
• What is Silica and where do you find it
• Identification, safe handling and appropriate control measures.
• Silica containing materials.
• Naturally occurring Silica.
• Silica Exposure & the Impact on your Health
• Work Method Statements
• Confirm Job Requirements and Make Preparations
• Identify Hazard
• Risk Management
• Hazard Controls
• Material and Equipment for Silica
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE)
Newcastle Rescue provides extensive training and consulting services supporting the construction industry and more. Please feel free to contact us on 1300 3565 686 or enquiries@newcastlerescue.com.au to discuss your training or consulting requirements.
The Work Health and Safety Excellence Showcase highlights the innovative solutions developed by NSW businesses, unions and industry associations to support the safety of their employees and members.
Follow in the foot steps of the Core Project Group safety champions. Download the Easy to do work health and safety toolkit today.