We can provide RII30719 Certificate III in Emergency Response and Rescue training to companies on their site, with access to all necessary equipment. Minimum numbers apply. If you would like to talk to one of our trainers for further information please call 1300 356 686.
Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy Pty Ltd provide the qualification for Certificate III in Emergency Response and Rescue. This qualification reflects the role of response and rescue team members who work in a mine site or on a construction site.
People performing rescue roles may be required to exercise some discretion and judgement in selecting equipment and services when deal with contingencies.
RII30719 Certificate III in Emergency Response and Rescue is delivered by training professionals who are experienced emergency services personnel and can be tailored to meet specific workplace requirements.
The course will cover the following areas;
- Techniques and Procedures
- Preparing and Using Rescue Equipment
- Operating Open Circuit Self-contained Breathing Apparatus
- Fire Team Operations
- Risk Management
- Confined Space Rescue
- Road Crash Rescue
- Vertical Rescue
- Safe Work Practices
- Hazmat
- First Aid
- Communicate in the Workplace
- Support for Rescue Operations
Upcoming Courses for Emergency Response and Rescue Training
If there are no upcoming scheduled courses for Emergency Response and Rescue Training please contact us to find out if we can arrange a custom course for you.
See Course Calendar All Courses
Units of Competency
- HLTAID006 Provide advanced first aid
- RIICOM201D Communicate in the workplace
- RIIWHS201D Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
- RIIRIS301E Apply risk management processes
- PMAWHS211 Prepare equipment for emergency response
- PUAFIR207 Operate breathing apparatus open circuit
- PUAFIR306 Identify, detect and monitor hazardous materials at an incident
- RIIERR301E Respond to worksite Incidents
- RIIERR201E Conduct fire team operations
- PUASAR022 Participate in a rescue operation
- RIIERR304E Control emergencies and critical situations
- PUASAR025 Undertake confined space rescue
- PUASAR032 Undertake vertical rescue
- PUAFIR210 Prevent Injury
Certain units of competency have pre-requisites to complete before enrolling in the Certificate III. Contact us for further information.
Duration of Course
Maximum 6 months (dependant on availability of learners).
Course Delivery
Training is delivered Face to Face. All training handouts supplied. Training is to be completed on client’s equipped site.
PPE Required
Participants are to provide their own workplace appropriate Person Protective Equipment.
Participants are to wear comfortable clothing and closed in shoes.
Participants will complete theory based assessments and practical based assessments for each unit to determine their competence.
On successful completion of the Certificate III qualification, participants will be issued with a Nationally Recognised Certificate stating the units of competency completed that form this qualification.
Recognition of Prior Learning
All participants are offered the opportunity to apply for RPL. Please refer to the Student Handbook (located in resources) or phone 1300 356 686 for the procedure of how to apply.
From 1st January 2015, it is a requirement when enrolling in a Nationally Recognised training course to have a Unique Student Identifier Number (USI). Certifications cannot be issued until the USI number has been provided and verified.