Real-world, hands-on experience key to all students’ success
The University of Newcastle has announced that from 2023 onwards, all undergraduate programs will include a placement embedded in a workplace.
The rollout of work-integrated learning to all degrees is with good reason, with data from the Australian Skills Commission report in 2021 finding that 75 per cent of employers look for experience before considering an applicant, while 40 per cent of roles are given to someone known to the employer.
In March 2021, the NSW Government announced the Institute of Applied Technology (IAT) concept as an NSW Government commitment, in response to the Review on the NSW vocational education and training (VET) sector – ‘Gonski-Shergold Review’.
TAFE NSW is leading two pilot IATs with university and industry partners and education providers, one in Digital Tech and another in Construction. The NSW Government has committed $222.5 million to design and construct the two pilot Institutes, and a further $108.5 million to support more than 26,000 students over the next four years at the two IATs.
The IATs are a NSW Government priority that will reshape the way people access skills and tertiary education.
This builds industry connection and builds the practical experience of students and increases employability.
Whether you’re still in school or just out of school, at University, at TAFE, an Industry or organisations or looking for retraining opportunities Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy Pty Ltd provides skills and micro credentials via onsite training or training at the Beresfield training facility with simulated heights, confined space, rail and asbestos environments. These micro credentials are a requirement to work in various industries.
NRC is a NSW Government supplier and currently delivers competencies in White card, Risk Assessment training for Construction ,Building & Mining, Low Voltage Rescue/CPR for Electrical, First Aid, Confined Space, Silica & Asbestos Awareness, Asbestos Removal & Working at Heights for Plumbing & Building & Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure for Civil Construction. Certificate III in Emergency in Emergency Response & Rescue is delivered for for large mining, oil and gas organisations. Fire training for Building, Plumbing and Electrical and more.
Newcastle Rescue & Consultancy is passionate about workplace safety and committed to delivering micro skills and micro credentials in simulated workplace environments with industry-leading, purpose-built facilities and specialist industry equipment for real-life practical experience in high-risk environments. With the relationship to Industry, we will be responsive to changing market needs and awareness of anticipated skills shortages.
Real-world, hands-on experience key to all students’ success